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Average Migration Agent Fees in Australia


Immigration used to compile and publish average migration agent fees every year. Unfortunately, OMARA stopped collecting average migration agent fee data since April 2017. Even many of the original links are no longer available. Luckily, we always strive to offer the most competitive prices, hence we have a copy of the last published data by OMARA.

As you try to plan your migration journey or find the most suitable migration agent for yourself, knowing how much to budget is no doubt important. Not longer having access to this information all of a sudden could be a major inconvenience.

To provide you with the latest 2022 - 2023 Average Migration Agent Fee data, we have scoured the internet for publicly available migration agent fees. This data has been compiled from 11 different migration agencies with the 10% outliers removed.

[15 March 2023 update: Now updated to include 2022 - 2023 data]

1. Summary Table: Breakdown for Average Australian Migration Agent Fees



2016 - 2017 OMARA


2019 - 2020


2022 - 2023


Skilled Migration

189 Skilled Independent visa

$2,200 - $4,750

$2,500 - $6,600

$2,500 - $7150

Skilled Migration

190 Skilled Nominated visa

$2,000 - $4,800

$2,500 - $7,150

$2,500 - $8314

Skilled Migration

491 Skilled Work Regional Visa (Provisional)


$4,125 - $6,545

$4,125 - $6,600

Skilled Migration

186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

$2,500 - $5,500

$5,200 - $7,150

$5,200 - $7,400

Skilled Migration

187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS)

$3,300 - $6,000



Skilled Migration

​482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa (TSS)

​$3,300 - $5,000

$3,800 - $7,500

$3,800 - $7,810


Parent Visas

$2,000 - $4,200

​$2,800 - $6,050

​$2,800 - $6,600


Child Visas

$1,500 - $3,800

$2,750 - $6,000

$2,750 - $7700


820, 309 Partner Visa (Stage 1) & 300 Prospective Marriage Visas

$500 - $4,400

$2,800 - $5,670

$2,800 - $7260


801, 100 Partner Visa (Stage 2)

$500 - $4,400

$1,500 - $4,950

$1,500 - $7260


500 Student visa

$500 - $2,420

​$500 - $2,200

​$500 - $2,750

Skilled Migration

485 Temporary Graduate Visa (TR visa)

$990 - $2,500

$1,000 - $3,300

$1,000 - $3,300


600 Visitor visa (aka Tourist visa)

$330 - $1,500

$880 - $1,650

$880 - $1,650


AAT Review Tribunal

​$1,500 - $5,000

$4,000 - $7,700+

2. Skylark Migration Offers the Best Migration Agent Fees and Help with Australian Visas

Here at Skylark Migration, our fees are up to 75% more affordable than what some other migration agents are charging. Our fees are also backed with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

This is not because our quality is lower, in fact, we have had 100% success rate across many of our visa categories including: 485, Partner, Child, 189, 190, 186, 187 and the list goes on! We are trusted by people from over 64 nationalities and counting. Please feel free to take a look at what our clients are saying.

We charge a competitive rate because the Skylark Migration team believes in helping more people share in the opportunities and privileged lifestyle Australia has offered us. We are fiercely against charging exorbitant fees. As proof of our commitment, we have published all our fees online. See here.

We look forward to helping you with your migration journey too!

3. Full Table of Published Fees from Other Australian Migration Agents

[15 March 2023 update: We've also included the full table of publicly available agent fee data with company names redacted]

As for the OMARA fee schedule above, don't just take our word for it! Here are screen shots other agencies have taken of the original table.

If you're looking for the best service and prices for Australian migration agents, look no further than Skylark Migration! We look forward to helping you make your Australian migration dream come true.


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